An Overview

Do your toenails rub in your shoes because they are so thick? Do you hide your nails in the sand at the beach, or wear your hot shoes in the summer? Are you interested in a simple easy way to get rid of the fungus that won’t ruin your liver? Safe affordable treatment of toenail fungus that really works!

Sound Medical Technology has the latest laser technology available and we bring it to you! We can treat plantar warts, fungus toenails, chronic muscle and joint pain and more. We are about OPTIONS! Especially for difficult to treat conditions like plantar fasciitis, plantar warts, and toenail fungus. We have options to fit your health considerations and also every budget! And we offer these choices and alternative treatments through Board Certified local Podiatrists. Call for the podiatrist in your area with this technology! 724-991-0116 or email us.

What symptoms are associated with toenail fungus?

In the beginning, toenail fungus (onychomycosis) usually presents with no symptoms. Very soon however, cosmetic symptoms begin to appear as the fungus establishes itself. The fungus will proliferate, eventually taking over large portions of the nail bed, the tissue beneath the protective nail. At the start of symptoms, you might notice small, whitish or yellowish spots. Untreated, these will grow to occupy large portions of the nail, or even the entire nail. If left unchecked, the front edge of the nail, the part you trim, will become brittle and perhaps start to chip away. The nail then assumes a ragged appearance. Infectedna nails tend to thicken, sometimes dramatically. There will probably be some redness and inflammation since this is an infection. It’ll be sore when pushed on in most cases. In severe instances, the nail can lift off from the nail bed and eventually separate entirely. This tends to happen most often to those who have weak immune systems, such as individuals on medications such as steroids, or diabetic patients.

Who Are At The Risk Of Toenail Fungus?

There are many risk factors that can make toenail fungus more likely to affect you, these risk factors can make toenail fungus return often too.

So, here are some risk factors of toenail fungus:

• Having a history of athlete’s foot or facing athlete’s foot often

• Being older, when you get older it becomes harder for your body to fight off bacteria • Sweating too much

• Untreated feet injuries

• Diabetes

• Blood circulation problems

• Having a weak immune system

• Walking barefoot

• Wearing old shoes

• Ingrown toenails

What Complications Toenail Fungus Bring?

Toenail fungus is something you should never ignore, there are so many dangerous things that can happen to you if you ignore this little problem.

Here are some risks of ignoring toenail fungus:

• A serious infection can arise if ignored for too long. The infection can increase and spread to other body parts by entering your bloodstream.

Furthermore, it can infect your bone too which is really serious. If you have diabetes then never let your nail fungus reach on this stage.

• Another complication of ignoring this little problem is foot pain, if not treated the pain will increase day by day.

• You may lose your nail as well, it won’t happen naturally but ignoring toenail fungus for too long will completely infect your nail and after that your doctor may recommend you to remove your toenail.

When Should I Look For A Doctor?

You should visit a doctor when you see the early signs of nail fungus, these include, thickened nail, change in nail color or foul smell.

But if you are busy or don’t get enough time for treatment then make sure you go to doctor at least when you notice pus or bleeding from your two. These two are big signs of infection which shouldn’t be ignored at all.

Toenail Fungus (onychomycosis): Questions and Answers

Are there any risks associated with toenail fungus treatment?

Like any medical treatment, there are potential risks and side effects associated with toenail fungus treatment. The specific risks and side effects can vary depending on the treatment method used.

Oral antifungal medications can have side effects such as upset stomach, skin rash, liver damage, and changes in taste perception. These medications can also interact with other medications, so it is important to inform your healthcare provider of any other medications you are taking before starting treatment.

Topical antifungal medications can cause skin irritation, itching, and redness. These medications can also be less effective than oral medications, especially for more severe cases of toenail fungus.

Laser therapy for toenail fungus can cause temporary discomfort or pain during treatment. There is also limited research on the long-term effectiveness of this treatment method.

Surgery to remove the infected toenail can be painful and carry risks such as infection and bleeding.

It is important to discuss potential risks and side effects with a healthcare provider before starting toenail fungus treatment. Additionally, it is important to carefully follow the instructions provided by the healthcare provider or medication label to minimize the risk of complications.

How can toenail fungus affect someone’s quality of life?

Toenail fungus can have a significant impact on someone’s quality of life. The appearance of discolored, thickened, and brittle nails can be unsightly and embarrassing, causing social and psychological distress. Individuals with toenail fungus may feel self-conscious about exposing their feet in public or intimate settings, leading to feelings of shame and isolation.

Toenail fungus can also cause physical discomfort, such as pain and sensitivity in the affected nail and surrounding area. This can make it difficult to wear shoes comfortably, participate in physical activities, and even perform daily tasks such as walking or standing for extended periods of time.

In severe cases, toenail fungus can lead to complications such as secondary bacterial infections, cellulitis, and other skin conditions. These complications can cause further discomfort and may require additional medical treatment.

What causes this type of fungal infection?

In most cases, fungal organisms called dermatophytes are the cause. These are present to some extent in all people, but in cases of onychomycosis these are able to enter the skin under the nail through tiny openings, such as come about due to wear and tear or to ingrown nails. Once these dermatophytes have reached the living tissue of the nail bed, they become established. The nail itself becomes a hard, protective barrier, which makes these infections notoriously difficult to treat. Such infections are highly contagious, and are easily passed from one person to another. Moist environments such as locker rooms, public pools, and showers are prime locations to become exposed. Other methods include wearing other people’s shoes or socks, or even a towel they’ve been using. One of the reasons why toenail fungus is associated with moist, wet environments is that skin becomes more soft and pliable once soaked for any length of time. This makes it easier for fungus to ender the skin and become established.

FAQ’s for Laser Treatment of Thick, Ugly Toenails

How many Treatments do I need to treat my fungus?

One treatment is never enough, however, depending on the condition of your nails it may take three or four sessions.

How long does a laser toenail treatment take?

In less than 15 minutes Sound Medical Technologies and your local podiatrist can eradicate your fungus! It is painless and effective.

Does toenail fungus come back after laser treatment?

The fungus that is present is killed. However, some people are prone to reinfection as they are predisposed from injury, genetics, hyperhidrosis or other factors. That is why either periodic retreatment or application of topical antifungals applied as the nail regrows improves the effectiveness of the treatment.

What is the Cost of Laser Fungus toenail treatments?

call Rich at 724.991.0116 or email us to find out the cost of laser toenail fungus procedure in New Jersey or Pennsylvania.

Is Laser treatment of toenail fungus in Pennsylvania right for me?

There are few people that this may not work well for, such as patients with psoriatic nails or other immune compromised patients. Safety wise, laser toenail fungus treatment is safe for anyone, however we do not perform laser treatments on pregnant women and diabetics with neuropathy should take extra precautions. This is why we partner with YOUR trusted physician that knows your medical history and is familiar with your feet. If your Podiatrist can not accommodate you, we will find a Board Certified Podiatrist near you.

How does Laser treatment of toenail fungus work?

How Does Laser Toenail Fungus Removal Work?

Without hurting or damaging your nail plate, the specific wavelength of light targets the fungal hyphae chromatophores ( pigments in the fungus), coagulating them, much like you cook an egg. The laser light photons penetrate the nail and skin, the cells of the fungus absorb this energy and it is converted into energy which does the work only in the targeted wavelength containing tissue. The fungus lives in the space under the nail, which makes it difficult for topicals to penetrate. Once the laser penetrates to the space under the nail, it kills the targeted fungal hyphae, allowing the nail to grow out fungus -and thus damage- free! To find your closest provider of laser toenail fungus in Pennsylvania, call Rich at 724.991.0116 or email us.

Are there side effects to using Lasers to treat toenail fungus?

Sound Medical Technologies uses Laser Therapy for the treatment of fungal nails in. This technology has been used around the world on a wide scale over many years.It has been proven to be very safe and very effective for millions of patients.

Will the laser toenail treatment hurt?

You may experience a warm feeling, however no pain is involved during the laser nail treatment in Bethel Park.

Will the laser damage my nail?

No! The laser penetrates through the nail and kills the fungus which infects it.

Can’t I just use topical antifungal medicines to treat my nail fungus?

Topical antifungals to treat nail fungus in you Podiatrist office in Pittsburgh work well with an accurate diagnosis and consistent daily application over the course of at least a year. However, over the counter medication from drugstores have a high fail rate for many reasons.

What is the laser fungus nail treatments in State College like?

The handpiece is held about 1 cm from the nail and short pulses 1/20 of a second in length send energy through the nail plate and into the nail bed where the fungus lives. All of the nails on an affected foot should be treated since they share a shoe and can be infected without your knowledge, a thorough exam by your podiatrist will help ensure an accurate diagnosis. The treatment is not painful and you may get a not unpleasant warm feeling.

How Do I Know If I Have Toenail Fungus Or It’s Just A Nail Injury?

Whether it’s a toenail fungus or not, it can be quite hard to find out in se cases, especially since both conditions can cause discoloration or changes in nail, but there are key ways to help you identify each:

1. Toenail Fungus:


• White, Yellow, or brown spots at the edge of nail

• This color can spread over time

Thickened Nails:

• Nail is much harder to trim than usual Deformity:

• Nail shape starts becoming distorted or uneven


• Fungal infections are known to cause foul smells

2. Signs Of A Nail Injury:

Sudden Discoloration:

• Usually dark red, purple or black spots under the nail, its caused by bleeding

• The discoloration can come shortly after the trauma is done

Pain and Swelling:

• You can expect pain and discomfort in the surrounding area if it’s really an injury

No Gradual Worsening:

• Injures, especially those who don’t get infected will improve overtime and the nail will grow out.

Nail Texture:

• Even after the discoloration, nail texture will remain smooth!

Is Toenail Fungus A Sign Of Weakened Immune System?

Yes, in some cases toenail fungus does indicate a weakened immune system, since immune system has a huge role when it comes to fighting of fungal infections. However, a weakened one will struggle to control fungal growths, which will allow infections to thrive much easily. If you are suffering from conditions like diabetes, AIDS or even undergoing treatments like chemotherapy then even these conditions can increase the vulnerability of toenail fungus. Also, if you have persistent fungal infections even after medical treatment ls, then it’s possible there are some immune system issues. Therefore, make sure you talk with your doctor about any immune problems, if there are any, it will be worthwhile and you will be free from many dangerous infections in future.

How many Laser treatments do I need to clear up my toenails?

For mild toenail fungus in Harrisburg, often only one laser treatment is all it takes to annihilate the fungus and start the process of the nail growing out fungus free over the next year. If your nails have been previously damaged or are completely mycotic (filled with fungus) then a series of 3-4 treatments may be necessary over several months as the nails grow, which is at a rate of about 1mm a month. The fungus is technically killed immediately, however the changes won’t appear until a new nail has replaced the old. Your Podiatrist will continue to debride (thin out and sand down) the nail to allow better laser penetration and improve the appearance of the nail immediately. An occasional follow up treatment may be necessary over time if you have conditions that make you prone toward fungus.

How long will the a treatment take?

Laser toenail fungus treatments in Washington, D.C. typically takes between 5-10 minutes, depending on the severity of the fungus.

When can I resume normal activity after having laser toenail treatment?

Immediately! There is no down-time following laser toenail treatments in New York, so you may resume normal activities as soon as you leave.

What advantages does Laser treatment of fungus nails have over other forms of treatment?

Laser treatment of toenail fungus in Ohio offers several advantages over other forms of treatments. These advantages include:

  • No surgery! Toenail laser treatment for fungus is a completely non-invasive procedure.
  • No side effects! Other than watching your toenails slowly resume their normal appearance, toenail laser treatment for fungus has no known risks or adverse reactions. Other treatment options, such as oral antifungals, can be detrimental to your liver.
  • No downtime! Once your treatment is complete, you are free to go about your day as usual with no worries of post-treatment pain.

What happens during nail treatment with laser?

During the laser treatment for toenail fungus in West Virginia, your toenails will first be smoothed down on the tops and edges using an electric nail file. This is done to reduce the thickness of the nails in order for the laser to penetrate more deeply. The laser technician will treat each nail individually. During the treatment, you should not feel pain, but may feel a warming sensation that some have described as a light rubber band snap. The treatment itself should take no longer than 5-10 minutes. Once the treatment is complete, you should not have any discomfort and may resume normal activities.

I just painted my nails, can I still have the laser treatment done?

We ask that take off all nail polish prior to your appointment. However, if you need assistance in doing so, we can remove it for you prior to the treatment.

Can Swimming In Public Pool Lead To Toenail Fungus?

Yes, swimming pools are one of the most common places where the chances of getting toenail is highly increased. The warm, and moist environment around the pools  and locker areas is an idea place for bacteria to grow and breed. Walking barefoot in these areas can easily cause contact with the fungus, which will eventually lead to infection, especially if you have injuries, cuts or skin around your toenails.

If you want to avoid risk if these situations then wearing flip-flops, other any other protective footwear in public pool areas can easily help you avoid them. Keeping your feet dry and keeping a good hygiene will also be great.

Can Toenail Fungus Cause Permanent Damage?

Yes, although not in all times, but if the toenail fungus is left untreated for a long time, then there can be permanent damage  it can happen because of infection, as it will either thicken, discolor, crumble or even detach your nail from the nail bed, which can lead to complete of the nail. Furthermore, in some chronic cases nail may get permanently damaged, which leads to deformities, chronic pain and even difficulty in walking. Also, the surrounding skin can also get infected which leads to even more complications. If you develop a non healing would then there are chances you might have to amputee your toe to prevent the infection from spreading.

Is Toenail Fungus More Common In Some Climates?

Yes, in places with warm or humid climates increase the chances of toenail fungus. It’s because these conditions are perfect for the fungi to grow. Also, as mentioned before, places like pools and locker rooms are great places for fungi too. Everyone is barefoot and the water can easily spread the  bacteria and cause you toenail fungus.

When will I see improvement?

It is important for patients to remember that your toenails will not look different following laser toenail treatment for fungus in Maryland for at least 4+ months after treatment, then you will slowly see improvement at the rate of 1mm per month.

How does toenail fungus affect nail growth?

Here are several ways how toenail fungus affects nail growth:

  1. Thickening of nail

The infected nail can often become thicker, which often interfere with nail growth and may make your nail look bulkier.

  • Discoloration

The nail cam turn brown, yellow or white which affects it’s appearance and even indicates an abnormal growth.

  • Brittleness

Fungal nail infection can make the nails brittle or weak, which disrupts the growth pattern and may make it harder for your nails to grow back.

Can nail salons be a source of toenail fungus infection?

Yes, just like showers and locker rooms, salons can also be a source of toenail fungus, here’s how:

  1. Contaminated tools:

If tools such as nail clippers, files and buffers are not sterilized properly between clients then there are chances of fungi and bacteria being shared.

  • Foot baths:

Same as tools, but higher risks since basins can hold a big amount of fungi and bacteria if not disinfected properly.

  • Improper Storage:

Tools and equipment that are not stored in a clean, dry environment can become contaminated.

  • Poor Hygiene Practices:

Technicians who do not wash their hands or wear gloves when necessary can spread infections.

  • Reusable Items:

Using reusable items like pumice stones, nail brushes, and toe separators without proper disinfection can lead to cross-contamination.

  • Infected Clients:

If a client with a fungal infection is treated and the salon does not properly sanitize the area and tools, the fungus can spread to subsequent clients.

To minimize the risk of infection, it’s essential to choose a reputable nail salon that adheres to strict hygiene standards, including:

– Sterilizing tools using an autoclave.

– Using disposable tools and liners for foot baths.

– Ensuring all surfaces are cleaned and disinfected regularly.

– Following proper hand hygiene protocols.

Does insurance pay for Laser toenail fungus treatments?

Laser toenail treatment for fungus in Pennsylvania is not currently covered by any insurances, as it is considered a cosmetic procedure. Call 714-991-0116 for pricing and a provider near you.

Why choose Sound Medical to treat my fungus nail syndrome?

If you want a quick effective treatment for toenail fungus with laser we can bring it to you via your local podiatrist with our mobile unit or match you with a local participating Podiatrist or Spa in Pennsylvania! Any other questions? Would you like to schedule SMT to come to your office? Please contact us if you have any other questions about our K-Laser therapy, call 724.991.0116 or email us.